Noon Duty Supervisor Stories


Sharing stories of the good and bad as a Noon Duty Supervisor

My Noon Duty Supervisor Background

I'm a mom and am an active parent at my children's school as a volunteer for field trips and I also serve as a substitute Noon Duty Supervisor when one of the regular staff members is sick or not available. It's been rewarding to be able to walk around campus, help other kids and sometimes see my own children while they're at school as both a volunteer and Noon Duty Supervisor. However, I have to say that being a Noon Duty Supervisor is 10 times harder than chaperoning on a field trip. Some days, I come home a bit stressed, sad or perplexed as I reflect on what I did for 2.5 hours that day as a Noon Duty Supervisor.

You see, as a Noon Duty Supervisor at the school that I help out at, we watch all the grades (from TK - 6th grade) as each grade takes turn for recess and lunch. Depending on who I am covering that day, I would be watching the kids at recess at the playground or just during their lunch times in the cafeteria area. They are both hard work but I find that I prefer watching the kids at recess.