Diaries of a Noon Duty Supervisor

Noon Duty Daily Diary - April 23, 2024

April 23, 2024

Today's Tough Moment

A little girl had a bloody mouth today during lunchtime. The entire grade level was sitting outside when I heard a cry. I walked over there and saw that she was in pain and another little girl was trying to help her. 

I asked her what had happened and she said she fell. At first, I thought she lost her tooth but then, after taking a closer look, I saw that most of the gum line on the bottom front part was bloody. I couldn't leave the cafeteria because I was the only Noon Duty Supervisor watching the kids at that time as the other one had to leave for a restroom break.

When I saw the school's custodian, I asked her if she could watch the kids really quick so that I could walk the crying girl to the nurse's office. She was either in 1st or 2nd grade. I'm still rattled thinking about her as I am writing this. After I walked her to the nurse's office, the secretary asked me, "What happen?". I didn't see it happen. She cried and that was when it caught my attention and she was already on the ground at that point. The secretary told me that her parents are very demanding and will ask to know what exactly happened. I told her that I didn't see but that she told me that she fell. I had to rush back to the cafeteria area because we were short staffed and as a substitute, I know I am still clueless about certain protocols so I didn't have all of that information for the secretary. Even when I was substituting today for an absent regular Noon Duty Supervisor, the school was still two Noon Duty Supervisors short! I knew the little girl was hurt and my immediate response was to help her to the nurse's office as soon as possible. As far as demanding parents, I now hope they don't categorize me as one. Ever since I became a substitute for Noon Duty Supervisors at my kids' school, I have a very different perspective on things now.

Today's Positive Moment

Although, my body is still shook from the bloody mouth incident today. One of the kids made me rather feel better about myself and asked me if I was in college and I replied that I already graduated college and they followed up with, "Like two weeks ago?".

I'm glad they still think that I look young enough to graduate college recently. They were a group of first graders.


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